Recap of Sunday January 30, 2011
We knew we wanted to hit Victoria’s Peak since we didn’t have time to do that on the way to India. After once again struggling to find the right bus to take, Katie, Aaron and I headed up to the peak. He view was definitely was worth the long winding bus ride to the top. You could see the entire city from the top of this mountain. This city is amazing.. literally buildings EVERYWHERE and keep in mind theses are 20-30 story buildings!
Well.. because we are flying from the other side of the world to America, we will see the sun rise twice on this glorious Sunday. What a blessing! We flew into Hong Kong around lunchtime today, plenty of time to spend touring around the City after a quick shower and Skype with my mom and Cole at the airport. It was nice to see familiar faces from home, but weird at the same time. It was a quick reality check that I was soon to face the real world again.
Katie quickly dictated what our first stop would be... Starbucks! Caffeine is a must because the lack of sleep is catching up to us fast! While waiting for the coffee, Aaron spotted something that was pretty cool. Hong Kong's version of Scaffolding. We stood there for several minutes and just watched. It was amazing! It is simply rows of bamboo and they were climbing all over it with such ease. Of course this was a prime photo op :) Thanks Aaron!!
Aaron on top of Victoria's Peak
I just LOVE this picture of Katie on top of Victoria's Peak
Honk Kong... These pictures do not come close to doing it justice!
After taking in the view for a bit we realized we were starving! We hopped back on the bus to head down the mountain. Another winding road down.. we were past ready to be off motor vehicles and ready to just walk around the city! We went over to Central Station, where we found a local, and I mean hole in the wall local, restaurant to eat some authentic Chinese food. That was an interesting experience for sure. What we thought we olives turned out to be octopus, what we thought was fish turned out to be cow cheek, and what was actually fish, Aaron was the only one that could get that down… But we were in Hong Kong, so we enjoyed every minute of it. They did give us some "hot tea." It was more of hot water with a splash of tea.
We made our way to the Mong Kok district where we came upon an incredible street market with everything you could imagine for sale. Fake handbags, shoes, and wallets, jewelry, toys, food, EVERYTHING! It was so neat! We spent a few good hours here before we were exhausted to the point of not being able to hold a conversation with each other, we knew it was time to head back to the airport.
The street market
I just think these streets are incredible!
Trying desperately to hail a cab
After once again waiting around in an airport for several hours, we boarded the 12-hour plane ride to LA. Going from HK to LA is 3 hours shorter! Whohoo!! We were not so lucky on this flight to get open seats, so we did what we could and tried to get some rest sitting up. I got a few good hours, but didn’t really want to sleep because it would mean the time approaching when we had to leave the group would come quicker. I spent most of the flight just talking to the team members about the reality of what we had done. We actually were in India, half way around the world and we got the opportunity to play with some of the sweetest orphans in the world!! It is still so surreal that I was able to take this journey. Thank you to all that helped me along the way with donations and prayers, I could not have done it without each and every one of you.
I thank God for all he did to point me in the direction of this trip. He knew it was exactly what I needed at this point in my life. I feel so re-centered in life and have set my priorities straight. The Lord always knows what it is we need before we even realize we need it. I will miss the friends I have made on this trip dearly but know that the Lord will find a way to keep us close. If anyone is debating on traveling somewhere for the good of others I strongly encourage you to do so. No matter your age, sex, or religion, the feeling that you will get from a trip like this is like nothing you have ever experienced. We were able to provide over 2,400 pairs of shoes for children who desperately needed them, but the happiness they provided for me was one of the most amazing feelings I have felt in my lifetime.
I would be glad to talk in depth with any and everyone that has even the smallest of question about my trip. Don’t forget to check out both the Soles4Souls and Katie, our trip leader's, blogs. They will both help to give another prospective on our trip. Here is the link to the orphanage that we partnered with so you can learn a little more about that as well Remember that they are always looking for sponsors for these children. They told us while we were there that the money is not the important part of the sponsorship. Yes, they greatly appreciate any amount of money that you can donate, but the children love to receive birthday cards, Christmas cards and little goodies throughout the year. It is the contact and feeling of love that these children cherish so much. Please don't think I am trying to pressure you, just wanted to let you know that the option of sponsorship is available. Don't worry, even though my trip is over, I will still continue to blog about my life and the future places I plan to go!
What a week of challenges to Charge Thru! No way I could have done it without the Lord on my side!
With Love in Him,
I love your blog, and your photos are terrific! Keep posting stories and thoughts from your trip... it's great!