My Life

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Friday, January 21, 2011

And we're off!

Yes I know this is a little late, but this is the first real time I have gotten good Internet access. I wrote this on the plane from LA to Hong Kong, So I will make a post on what all we did actually IN Honk Kong as soon as I get a little energy!

It’s 3:07 CST, and I’m wide awake on my flight to Hong Kong. Is it strange that I have been awake for almost 24 hours and I still can’t sleep. All I can think about is getting there and seeing what a difference we can make in such a short period of time. We are packed in like sardines on this  “B777-300ER” plane, but yet it doesn’t bother me one bit.

The man across the seat from me is chowing down on a pasta dish of some kind… guess that’s dinner. Is it weird that I am in a way excited about that?

Before I left, a good friend of mine, Holli, told me to stop and remember to breath it all in. I am taking her advice and soaking in EVERY step of this experience. Trips like this can go by so fast if you just go through the motions of what’s next. Why not stop and enjoy what is occurring right in front of you.

Each person in the group we are traveling with is so different from each other. That’s it! That is our first challenge - learning to be with people from all different walks of life and coming together to form a team. We have a dentists, a few other people involved in the dentistry field, a youth minister, a pastor, a social worker, a high school boy and girl, and of course myself and our wonderful leader, Katie. I know that the Lord has brought this specific group of people together to learn from each other and I am so eager to see what he has in store.
Well the lovely flight attendant just asked what I choose for dinner, so I best run and enjoy it.. yummy! Please continue with your prayers for our group!

Charge Thru Challenge,

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